
You Didn't Lose It; God Moved It

In the year 2020, a lot of things in my life stopped, and many other things slowed down. The momentum of many good things from 2019 came to a screeching halt. Fear, uncertainty, and speculation abounded.

However, as 2020 came to a close and I took a serious look at the past year, I can't help but to give a big shout out to God. He's been so good to me and my family in 2020. My wife and I saw a rebirth of many things we thought were dead and gone. God has other plans and in 2020, in our lives, God did the impossible!

As time would reveal nothing was lost in my world, no, not at all. The visions and dreams God has given to us inexplicably grew in 2020. While other dreams and passions God gave us prior to 2020 did not die, they are only delayed and temporarily postponed. God has already shown us how great "postponement" will be! Nothing is lost, and everything will be redeemed, eventually.

Some of the visions and dreams God has given us might have been moved or delayed, for a bit. But many others are alive and thriving like never before. As a matter of fact, many of the things I thought were lost in 2020 were actually revived and restored and realigned and redeemed! Like I said before, God has a plan. COVID did stop the plans, but it did make the plans, and the strategies better!

In 2021, Don't Limit Yourself or God

One thing I am taking with me from 2020 into 2021 is the term "take the limits off!" Through the pain and discomfort of uncertainty that marred 2020 came forth unbelievable levels of "patience" and "peace." I needed both. During 2020, I learned to wait upon the Lord FOR EVERYTHING, WITH NO LIMITS.

God can do anything, and He has chosen to do some things through me. They are His plans for my life, and I freely accept them. So, in 2020 I learned to take the limits off what God can do in me, through me, and for me, all for His glory!

"and when I had fixed my gaze on it and was observing it I saw the four-footed animals of the earth and the wild beasts and the crawling creatures and the birds of the air. I also heard a voice saying to me, ‘Get up, Peter; kill and eat." Acts 11:6-7

God Is Trying To Kill Your Categories

The limitations I had put on God have been revealed in 2020. I was blinded to the limits I had constructed all around me. I built them up over the years as a way to protect myself. They never protected me, instead, they only limited me and therefore limited God. I didn't know these limits existed until 2020. They were put to the test in 2020. My limits were fears disguised as wisdom.

In 2020 I allowed God to begin to dismantle the ridiculous "human" limits I had placed on God.

"But I said, ‘By no means, Lord, for nothing unholy or unclean has ever entered my mouth.’ But a voice from heaven answered a second time, ‘What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy.’" Acts 11:8-9

Tired On The Inside

Going into 2020 I was tired, but not anymore. In 2020 I was forced to rest, and boy-oh-boy did I learn to love REST!

In 2020 I learned it's okay to be tired, but it's not okay to stay tired. During His earthly ministry, Jesus got tired too, just like me and just like you. When Jesus got tired he rested.

Starting in late 2020, when I got tired, I rested. As a matter of fact, I rested more in 2020 than ever before. I also worked hard in 2020. Resting in God is hard work, but because of 2020, it's getting easier for me to REST in God, praise God!

Resting in God is not the absence of effort or work or conflict. Resting in God is trusting in the fact that we are not citizens of this earth and our home is with Him, in Heaven. God is our Heavenly Father. We are temporary visitors to this fallen world.

With our citizenship secured in Heaven, we know that any pain and discomfort we experience here on earth is nothing compared to the Glory promises to shower upon us in this life or the one to come.. So, today I rest in the King and His coming Kingdom, and I don't strive so much anymore. And the result? More peace! Unbelievable peace! Thank you 2020!

In 2020 I learned it's okay to be tired and weak. I learned what Jesus did when He was feeling tired and weak and learned to do it myself! Had it not been for the struggles of 2020, especially COVID, I would not have needed to seek a new way.

It's Time To Meet Tired Jesus

In 2020 I learned how to respond to pressure and tension and conflict. Now, I still have a long ways to go, but in 2020 I stopped battling with things that did not matter. I allowed God to reschedule my schedule and I learned to accept disappointments and setbacks and attacks as part of God's plan. I submitted myself to God's sudden changes and His rescheduling and reshuffling of things.

How beautiful 2020 really was! The Favor of God is upon us!

"But Jesus, overhearing what was being spoken, said to the synagogue official, “Do not be afraid any longer, only believe.” Mark 5:36

If You Knew What Was In You

In 2020 I found out who God is to me. In 2020, God became my Father. He always was my Father, and always will be, but up until this year, I had not known God as my Father. I saw Him as many things, but up until recently, I had not allowed God to be my Father, not in the way He wanted to be.

In 2020, through all the uncertainty and the pain of real loss, I discovered that God really does love me. For the longest time, I didn't believe I was loveable. I actually believed many lies, and all of them revolved around my "worthiness" and my "value," or lack thereof. But God revealed Himself in a totally new way in 2020. I am a child of the Most High God, and He loves me!

"But now I come to You; and these things I speak in the world so that they may have My joy made full in themselves. I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. For their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth. “I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me. The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world." John 17:13-24

In the uncertainty of 2020, God showed Himself as He always has been, my Father. It was as if a veil was lifted and for the first time, I could see what was always there. God, my Father.... who's love for me is so big, it can't possibly be measured.

But now, because of the circumstances of loss in 2020, I discovered that God really does love me and that my value, to Him, is unmeasurable. Unmeasurable! That's how much God loves me. Unmeasurable is so big it can't be measured.

There Is More In You

This past year I learned that my Heavenly Father wants everything FOR ME, but wants nothing from me. Meaning, my Heavenly Father loves me, period. He loved me before I did anything good or bad. His love for me is something He desires to enjoy, and enjoy WITH me. He's not waiting for me to do anything, but He is always wanting to shower me with His love. God as my Father, loves me unconditionally and He is FOR me and has given EVERYTHING to me, as I need in love.

"Then Moses said to the Lord, “Please, Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither recently nor in time past, nor since You have spoken to Your servant; for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” The Lord said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say.” Exodus 4:10-11

If God Asked You For It, It's In You Already

I learned this year that if God is for me, and He is for you, then nothing can stop us. Nothing can stop God, nothing. Whatever God has planned for us, and through us, and in us will be done. If God has called me to do anything, I already know I am equipped and prepared and ready to fulfill, regardless of what I think, or how I feel.

If God is for me, and He's called me to do the impossible, my job is to believe because if He asked me to do it, then I can trust that He has already given me everything I need to perform it.

Reflect On The Presence of God

Here is how I learned about God as my Father. I sought Him and found Him. He was always there, and He will always be there. He is my Father and He loves me. I found God as my Father by being in His presence. Yes, in His presence is EVERYTHING. If you want or need peace, go to God. Do not hesitate, go now. Seek Him and you will find him! It's a promise. But you have to go in faith and KNOW.

Have this Godfidence, the same Godifidence that is in me. Meaning, put your faith and confidence in God, no matter what, and seek Him in everything. If God is truly in everything, you will experience His presence in the midst of your troubles. God will be with you in your struggle if you let Him. Meaning, if you really seek God in everything, you will find Him. You will experience God's wisdom and you will know His knowledge and you will hear His voice.

About the Author:
Craig Rogers
Craig Rogers

Marketing Director

Craig Rogers has been a Christ-centered leader in the...

Craig Rogers has been a Christ-centered leader in the behavioral health industry for the past 25 plus years. Craig Rogers is an...