
To excel in the world of academics requires more than intelligence, and the truth is that many youths, who are highly intelligent, struggle academically because they are struggling in other areas of their life.

While traditional schools will not likely be equipped to assist troubled youth in effectively coping with any of a number of issues, Clearview provides a unique environment that focuses on meeting each of our students' individualized needs.

If you have a troubled teenage girl between the ages of 13-18, we can likely provide the assistance necessary to help them bring the necessary balance into their lives to ensure academic success - if not propel their academic career years beyond what it would otherwise be without our academic curriculum.

Causes of Academic Deficiency

Youth struggle in education for several reasons, and it's imperative to evaluate their situation to determine the origin of their struggles. According to PyschCentral, students who struggle with academic performance, while possessing reasonable to exceptional intelligence, can range from social deficiencies to chemical addictions.

Whether your troubled teen is struggling with cognitive deficiencies or a substance abuse issue, the key is to get them the help that they need as soon as possible.

It is important to understand that underperformance is a symptom of an underlying issue and attempting to address the symptom without addressing the underlying cause will not produce the desired results.

At Clearview Girls Academy, we specialize in providing an excellent therapeutic environment in which your daughter will be exposed to a treatment plan that is highly customized to address the deficient areas that are directly impacting their academic performance.

Determining Your Teen's Motivations

There are times in which poor performance can be linked to a lack of motivation. In fact, one deficiency of traditional education is standardized approaches to motivation and teaching.

Not every student is motivated in the same way. Some youth are motivated through reward systems, and others are motivated by parental and teacher approval.

Having an authoritative figure recognize their work can do wonders for some kids, while simply giving another student a star will suffice. It is imperative to identify what matters to your troubled teen enough to influence them to invest in studying and performing well in school.

Kids want to succeed; they are naturally wired like that; however, having the proper motivation is key to push them to the highest level of achievement. It can be difficult for youth to make the connection between the present and the future; so, they may not fully comprehend how their current academic performance can impact what they will be able to do in the future.

The Importance of Residential Treatment

There is a wealth of empirical data that reveals that residential treatment programs, especially those will academic elements are highly effective in addressing low performance in troubled youth.

A report issued by the National Institute on Drug Abuse reveals that residential treatment centers and therapeutic residential academic centers have the potential to have an immensely powerful impact on the recovery and improvement of children suffering from chemical addiction, and there is a substantial amount of information that supports the idea that residential academic programs also improve the chance of students addressing deficiencies that negatively impact their academic performance.

Addressing Behavioral Problems

Another area of importance in dealing with academic struggles with troubled youth is addressing any of a number of behavioral problems that can derail a student academically. At Clearview, one of our first concerns after a student enrolls is addressing existing behavioral issues. Without addressing these issues, it can be extremely difficult to work on other areas of need.

Some of the coming behavioral issues that we help our students address include lack of motivation, lying, defiance, negative peer relationships, stealing, impulsive activity, and more.

In addition to helping the student with their behavioral issues, we also work with the family to help address the existence of gaps in the home. We are extremely successful in helping troubled teens overcome poor behavior while reinforcing more positive and advantageous behavior.

Customized Treatment Programs

Because each student is an individual, it is important to develop therapeutic programs that are customized to meet their specific needs. Because subpar academic performance is a symptom of a larger issue, it is vital to integrate therapeutic programs into the academic curriculum to create the best possible environment for your teen to succeed — not only during the treatment but also through their future.

Dealing with a troubled teen can be extremely challenging, and attempting to this on your own can actually exacerbate the situation.

By working with the professionals at our facility, your teen will be exposed to a team of professionals who are equipped to assist them is coping with the challenges of being a team, while simultaneously motivating them to be successful in the area of academics.

We create an environment that will help your troubled teen develop the skills and focus to succeed in life.